Wednesday, January 12, 2011

King Chief... Swagga Right

Let's give a big Native Welcome to KING CHIEF (insert smoke signals here) Chief is of the Seminole Native American decent, and has had a strong love for music all his life. Michael Jackson was one of his first influences,  today, he is driven by the a much younger force: his daughter Kayla. Chief states "she is my motivation to never give up on my dream". With lyrics that scream motivation and determination... giving up is the last thing we want him to do. Chiefs brings a witty, intelligent and lyrical rhyme style to the game, reminding us to go that extra mile.

'Makin Moves' Vocals and Lyrics by King Chief

King Chief writes about his experiences in life, and things of interest. As an a dolescent, he had to learn about becoming a man on his own, as his father was not around to give the guidance on manhood, that a mother can only attempt. Chief and his father, have established a better relationship at this point in his life. The name King Chief is the perfect portrayal of who Chief is. He states:"KING CHIEF is not only a name, it's who I am. 2 positions of power. I've been called Chief since birth cuz it was difficult for people to pronounce my govt. name (Kashif)" Chief maintains a layed back demeanor, and as one of his biggest fans, I'll add that he's a cool dude, with a great spirit and a beast w/the lyrics. Listen AND comment... WUT DO U THINK? 

Bookmark and Stay tuned to TheStephConcept, for more info on upcoming pieces and movements by King Chief.

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